Q: Where are gemstones found?
A: The answer depends entirely on the type of gemstone. In our store, we have a map that covers only part of Africa, and it has so many gemstones I tend to lose track! They can be found world wide – and even from outer space.
There are often multiple countries that have the same gemstone, although they may have slightly different characteristics. For example, sapphires from the Burma region are especially prized for their color, but sapphires are also found in Australia, Cambodia, China, and many other countries.
On the other hand, one county can produce many gems. Burma, for example, produces emerald, tourmaline, topaz, amethyst, alexandrite, and opal.
Sources constantly shift as mines are discovered or depleted.
Q: Is mining ethical?
When done properly, with attention to safety needs and proper tunnel supports, mining for colored gemstones is ethical. Problems can arise, with many mines having armed guards and other forms of security. Wildlife, illegal activities, and terrain issues can all cause issues with the supply from the mines being distributed to the market.
Q: Are there alternatives to natural gemstones?
Synthetic gemstones are a very popular alternative to natural gemstones. These are lab created stones, with the same characteristics as their natural counterparts. If you’d like to learn more, check out our post on synthetic gemstones!
Q: What happens after gemstones are mined?
A: Some gems can go straight to being ‘fashioned’, which is when they’re cut and polished. Other gemstones need to be treated with heat or irradiation to alter their color. After they go through these processes, they may need to be treated in other ways. We’ll go into more detail about the treatments gemstones may go through in a future post!